Timely fashion…

We spent most of the weekend at Phoenix Comicon and we were quite fascinated by some of the cosplay outfits worn by the attendees.  Boo and I were especially taken by the Steampunk costumes.  

What is Steampunk?  The basic idea is Victorian period mixed with advanced technology.  Think the old ‘Wild Wild West’ TV show or the new “Sherlock Holmes’ movies.  You can go Steampunk.com for the in depth explanation.  

The outfits are a great mix of Victorian styles with various fabrics including leather and adorned with metal pieces like gears and clocks.  I loved the beautiful pieces found at Corset Story.  Other steampunk items including clothing, footwear, hats and weapons can be found at Museum Replicas.

It’s all way cool.  Boo and I are thinking about going Steampunk next year.  Simplicity patterns were on sale this weekend at Joann’s.  Look what we found…



These are all available at Simplicity.com and most likely at your local fabric store.  Keep an eye out for sales because they can be pricey. 

These are awesome patterns and I am already looking at fabric and color combinations.  It should be interesting to see what Boo and I come up with.  


Faking a normal Friday…

Today was a really long day.  Fridays are a normal day for Sully to work in the office, as well as a normal day for Boo and me to go hang out with Martha.  We used to go out to lunch and then a little shopping afterwards.  Then we would go back to Martha’s and hang out, Sully and T.W. would come home from work and we’d have a family dinner.

We haven’t had a normal Friday with Martha since last May.  T.W. went into the hospital the Saturday before Mother’s Day.  Since then we haven’t been able to do our normal Friday activities.  At first, it was because T.W. was in the hospital, that was an almost four week stay at a hospital an hour away from us.  Then he was in rehab, that was a seven week stay, also an hour away from us.  When he got home we couldn’t leave him alone since he was still a fall risk.  

T.W. is in a care center now, just for a little while, they are working on getting him back to where he can walk short distances using the walker.  That way he can get in and out of bed on his own and mosey to the bathroom when he needs too.  After his hospital visit, he is now going to dialysis three times a week.  He doesn’t start until late afternoon which means he isn’t done until after 8pm.  Did I mention that the care center will drive him there but are unable to bring him back?  So, Sully and I drive over Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to take him back to the care center.

Martha thought this was a great time to try our normal Friday.  It didn’t work out as well as planned.  We had to leave an hour or so earlier because we planned on visiting T.W. at the care center before we went to lunch.  Lunch was really fun, our server just happened to be one of Boo’s dance teacher’s from her first class when she was five.  Miss C took great care of us and Boo thought it was really neat to see her.  We shopped at a big craft store which was fun and Sully joined us after work for dinner.  We even got caught up on American Idol.

Insert record scratching sound clip here…

Just before we left the house to pick up T.W. both Sully and I began to have some sinus issues, sneezing, stuffy head, runny noses.  It has been breezy here the last few days and I guess it finally got to us.  We get to the dialysis center a few minutes earlier than on Wednesday just in case they finish early.  We sat in the waiting room for about fifteen minutes before I decide to ask how long until T.W. will be ready to go.  The nurse tells me he has 50 more minutes on the machine.  Sully was miserable, he was dealing with sneezing and a runny nose.  Thankfully the waiting room had boxes of kleenex.  We didn’t bring anything but our phones and we ended up watching the middle hour of “Catch Me if You Can” on the TV that hung from the ceiling.  It looks like a pretty good movie but it will probably be a while before I want to try watching it, given I know the middle parts already.

By the time we had dropped T.W. off at the care center, drove back to Martha’s, picked up Boo and headed for home.  We didn’t get home until nearly 11pm.  Nothing like a 13 hour day.  I guess we should have known nothing is normal anymore…


Shopping Ninja…

I like saving money and use coupons when I can but I am not a coupon clipping person either.  Yeah, I keep the Bed, Bath and Beyond coupons because they take multiple and expired coupons.  I also hang on to Joanns and Michael’s coupons but I don’t buy three Sunday papers for the coupons.  I don’t spend $18 a month on coupon mailings so that I can clip coupons two nights a week.  I am busy enough and I can’t help but think my time is more valuable than the fifty cents I might save on Cheez-its.  If I get return visit coupons I try to use them if there is something I need to buy.

Today, Boo and I went shopping mostly to find black sweatpants with the elastic at the ankles for Boo’s dance costume.  We were told on Monday that we needed them on Friday.  I was first told that she could wear her black sweatpants that we got last year.  The studio name is bedazzled on the front with blue crystals.  By Wednesday that decision was overturned because of the bell bottoms and they wanted the elastic ankles.  We went to three WalMarts, sent Sully to check the WalMart near his work and looked at Kohl’s.  

We didn’t have luck at Kohl’s finding the sweatpants but we were able to find some other things that Boo needed.  We got a pack of socks, undies, a set of headbands and a nail polish set.  I had $30 in Kohl’s cash and I had brought a 15% off pass.  I wasn’t really paying much attention to the running total as we shopped.  The Kohl’s cash didn’t expire for another week so if we didn’t hit $30 I knew we could always come back.  We got to the checkout, I hand off my 15% off pass and Kohl’s cash.  The cashier runs the Kohl’s cash through the machine and hands it back to me, “There’s $0.06 left on there for you to spend.”  I think, ‘wow, six cents’ and I say, “Woooooh.”  We both laughed.

I could not have planned that better if I tried.  I think that is just about the closest I have ever gotten to a gift card balance.  Booyah!  

Also, Boo and I had a really good time shopping on Friday.  My favorite  was when we were looking for purses, Boo was not impressed by the big poofy purses.  I was looking for something in Spring colors.  The few things I did find weren’t discounted enough for me to consider.  I am thinking I will have to give my Ninja skills a run at JC Penneys.